Sono Marsono

Cap Bagong Tatu, Ubud

Express your creativity in ink. Unite your inspiration with Indonesian skill and craftsmanship to create a unique and personal tattoo.


Jalan Jembawan, Padangtegal, Ubud.
Open in Google Maps

Opening hours

Open 10 am until 6 pm.
Monday – Saturday.


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News from the studio

  • Traditional Indonesian Tattoo

    Traditional Indonesian Tattoo

    Indonesia has 17,504 islands and each island is culturally rich. There is some island that has traditional Indonesian tattoo as part of their culture. The tattoo culture that they have it’s not a fashion thing like commonly people have tattoo today. The tattoo tradition they have it’s been there for a hundred years. The world…

  • Tapped Tattoo

    Tapped Tattoo

    The traditional way of their tattooing method is by tapping the skin by hand using a wood stick as big as a finger.